Bible Reading Plan

One of the best ways to grow as a disciple is to read and reflect on scripture daily. At Victory Point, we are following a daily Bible Reading Plan (BRP) as we grow together in following Jesus. We encourage you to grab a BRP bookmark with all the daily references next time you are in the building (or click here to download a PDF version). Be sure to listen to the companion VP Bible Reading Plan podcast.

How to Use this Reading Plan


Every day you are given a passage to read that others at VP will be reading as well. We suggest finding a consistent 15 minutes every day to read and pray the daily passage. On Sunday we’ll gather to hear a message from the same passages.


Although we’ve assigned scriptures to certain days, it’s up to you when and how you engage these scriptures. If you miss a day or even many days, don’t sweat it. Just pick up with today’s scripture and ask God if you should just let the rest go.


Engage the scriptures in a quiet space. Pause to invite God’s presence before reading. Read the passage slowly at least twice. Then spend time with God. Three questions might guide this time: How is God getting my attention? What is God saying to me? What will I do in response? 

Questions to Help You Listen to God and Respond

How is God getting my attention?

Read the passage several times to get a general understanding of the passage, then begin to notice which word or phrase is sticking out to you. Pay attention to what part draws you in, makes you curious, frustrates you or confuses you. Expect God’s word to cut you to the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Dwell on that part and allow yourself to get more curious about why this part is getting your attention. 

What is God saying to me?

Now that God has your attention, listen to Him (Luke 9:35). Instead of determining what to do, pause to first ask God what He might be saying to you. Maybe the passage helps you know Jesus better. Maybe it makes you think of something going on in your own life or in your relationships. In all of this, ask God what He is telling you about His character, about who He is to you. Also ask God what he is saying about who you are, your identity. “God, I thank you that you are ____. I thank you that I am ____.”

What will I do in response?

James encourages us not to be just hearers of the Word, but doers of it (James 1:22). The most important part of your prayer time is to ask God how you can live differently today in light of what He’s said to you. It might be hard to reorient your entire life at once, but you can at least find one way you can obey this passage today, find one way to pray this passage today, or identify one person you can share this passage with today. If you allow God’s Word to change your day every day, little by little your whole life will be transformed.