to embody the kingdom of God in our family, our community and our world.


to multiply disciples who give their whole life to being like Jesus and doing what He did.


Loving Everyone. We love God best by loving all people with the same grace and acceptance that He has shown to us. Love is the fulfillment of God's law.       

Integrating Our Lives. We will be people of integrity who are authentic and accountable in our relationships with God (up), one another (in) and others (out).

Living as Family on Mission. We will follow Jesus not only individually but in community by developing extended spiritual families that will eat, play, pray, share resources, encourage and do mission together.

Contributing Generously. The Church does not exist only for us. We are the Church and we exist for the world. Therefore we will choose to contribute our time, talents and treasures in joining God on His mission to bring His kingdom to the world.

Listening to the Spirit. God has spoken to us through his Word and he continues to speak to us through His Holy Spirit that lives in us. Therefore, as we follow Jesus we will regularly ask, “What is God saying to me?” and “What am I going to do about it?”

Discipling Everywhere. Through the rhythm of scattering into the world every day as missionaries and regularly gathering to celebrate what God is doing in and through us, we will seek to live out the balance of a Biblical church and whole-life discipleship.

Developing People. Our end goal is not the perfection of goods and services that we deliver as a church. Our end goal is the ongoing formation into the image of Christ, and that’s a lifelong journey for all of us. Therefore, we prioritize development, trusting and cultivating the unique gifts of the Holy Spirit being formed in unfinished people.